somehow Violet has turned 4 months old and celebrated her first Halloween. I honestly cannot believe how quickly this little girl is growing. at 3 months she mastered flipping from her stomach to back and back to stomach. She has been so alert, started to ”talk” so much and is so alert and sturdy. She squeals when she is excited and happy and is able to do tummy time for over 30 minute increments.
Her first Halloween was exciting! We went to the pumpkin patch as a family and it was an extremely warm day. on the day of Halloween she wore all 3 of her costumes... salmon nigiri, avocado and pineapple. I just couldn’t decide on one so just had to get them all! On the night of Halloween we knocked On a few of our neighbors doors but we enjoyed most of the evening passing out candy and hanging out with our friends.
I love being a mommy. She brings me so much joy every single moment of every single day. watvhing her grow into a tiny human has been such a blessing. Today she did tummy time while I folded 3 large loads of laundry and I couldn’t help but get distracted by her smiles, coos and balding head. Every single thing she does makes me smile... the way she farts, the way she makes bubbles with her mouth, the way she smirks as we wash her butt after a blowout! OHHH being a mommy is wonderful.
The one thing that has changed the past week is her feedings. I have eliminated most of her bottle feedings and have just given her boobie! I got so cold and exhausted having to be hooked up to the breast pump for hours and hours a day. The bond we have built from breastfeeding has been so heartwarming. Originally, I wanted to breastfeed Violet for 6 months but as time is zipping by, I don’t think I can stop. The way she looks up at me and takes her cute little hands to touch me just melts my heart. The cute little coos and smiles she gives me as she’s eating just can’t be replaced and I am trying to enjoy every single feeding because in a blink of an eye she will be grown.
I started this blog thinking I would write and update every day... but instead I’m trying my best to live in the moment.