Let me be honest... this is not easy for me to write because I just can’t understand how you are my beautiful and strong girl. You aren’t even 5 months yet and here you are doing big girl things.
Violet’s first thanksgiving was amazing! Auntie Amanda, uncle Seth and uncle Greg all came into town to celebrate at nana and grandpa Wongs house. Auntie Christine and uncle Bryce and his family were there to celebrate with Violet too! It was a busy Wednesday and Thursday filled with family fun. Violet was exhausted since her normal schedule was thrown off so she slept all day on Friday. We thought Violet Was coming down with something since all she wanted to do was eat and sleep but little did I know she was just gearing up for some new milestones! in the past 48 hours she has amazed us.
-her fluffy Mohawk hair has flattened out and now she looks like a big girl
-she grabs and reaches for things that she wants with a purpose
-she giggles and laughs when her daddy is being funny and silly with her
-she finally rolled from stomach to back again. She learned this months ago but for the past few weeks she refused to do it! She would roll from back to tummy with no problem but would refuse to flip back. All of a sudden she can do both again with no issues
-this morning she rolled 4 times in a row so she could get where she wanted to be on the couch
-she held onto her toy for an extra long time! She held it through a butt bath, diaper change and walking throughout the house
and then this afternoon after a short nap she woke up and started to creep around!!! She used her arms and legs and creeped all the way to grandma Wong and continued to do it to get where she wanted to go.
I honestly just can’t gather my emotions and hormones anymore. I teared up as I watched her learn the first steps of crawling. I am just so so soooo proud of my baby girl for being so strong and for kicking butt at reaching her milestones effortlessly but at the same time it is all happening so quickly that I can’t keep up emotionally. I keep thinking I have time before her next milestone but she just takes a nap and wakes up to show me her next big girl achievements. I love you Violet and I am so proud of you.